2013년 2월 28일 목요일

typical food I eat

A quick posting of the day. I was really busy today (2 classes I take, 1 class I teach, prep for the writing group work, etc). Food pics are always good, right?

The top pic: some Japanese tofu (they are more soft, can be eaten raw without cooking) seasoned with soysauce+ sesame oil+ toasted sesame (from mom), kimchi stew, and rice along with some side dishes.  This is the typical dinner I can imagine.It's comfort food, and food that I can cook without pouring over cookbooks or website.

Middle: Korean style omelet (I should actually have cut that up into bite-sizes, but was too lazy), rice+ other things stir fried (veggies, bacon, and some kimchi-- you just put whatever is in the fridge, and stir it in with the rice.) + side dishes

and lastly, my pound cake:) with coffee (I put some milk in the coffee- that explains the funny brown color) and some pineapples (was too lazy to get a proper plate, so it's placed in another cup). I haven't made pound cakes in awhile, I should, soon.

Here's the recipe to pound cake, if anyone would like to make it:

1 cup sugar
1/2 cup butter
2 eggs
1 cup plain yogurt
2 cups flour
1/2 tsp salt, 1/2 tsp baking soda, 1Sp honey
and cranberries (dried), almonds, or anything else you want in your cake.

Start with sugar+ butter- mix them well, add egges, then yogurt.
Then add flour, salt, baking soda, and honey. Mix that. Then mix in the berries and nuts.

Bake in oven for about 20-30 minutes, at 400F.

Ta-da! So, the blogathon ends today.
The blog will still be here, but just some excuses-- it might not be everyday I post here. But I will upload stuff regularly, so keep in touch! :)

2. 28. 2013

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