2013년 2월 18일 월요일

the beauty of winter trees

 Here are some pictures I took on the last day West Lafayette saw heavy snow. It didn't really snow a lot this winter, but when it did, it was so pretty!

Coming from a city, I often complain about the lack of nice coffee shops and shopping malls, but if I have come to love this place after my 2 years of stay. It's peaceful, it's quiet, it is not as distracting, and the landscape, although not as exciting as those towns near the sea or great hills or mountains, is nice. I often marvel at the sky-- if you walk around Seoul, you will not see so much blue (or in this case, grey) because there will be sky scrapping apartment complexes and other buildings. Not to mention spider web like lines going from this post to another. So, I appreciate the calmness environment of this otherwise bland town.

- winter trees! Remember the poem I introduced in this blog several days back? Trees! They are so great!

It's really warm today despite the rain,
so to celebrate and welcome spring, but not disregard the almost over winter, I end my posting for today, with a flourish and a reminder: winter trees are great, people! Enjoy them while they are still bare!

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