2013년 2월 10일 일요일

If this were a perfect world

The above photograph is taken by yours truly, on my honeymoon in Belgium.
And I'll let this photo speak for myself today, since I have to read 200 pages of Our Mutual Friend and also do other house keeping chores, like wash dishes and make some dishes for the two of us to eat next week.

But, on a side note: Why is it so hard to read books not related to the classes I am taking? I started reading The Tourist Gaze by John Urry, and I really do want to introduce his work here, but I haven't yet finished the introduction, much less the whole book! Gosh! Perhaps I will be able to finish at least the intro today, and talk about it tomorrow. I was talking to my friend who studies tourism in England yesterday, and it turns out that Urry's book is a "must-read" in that field. So, kudos, Amazon.com, for recommending the book to me!

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